Anna Fogenstad

about me

Who's behind the camera?

My name is Anna Fogenstad and I'm a swede living in Finland together with my husband and our two English mastiffs. I spend my favourite days with a camera in my hand meeting the nicest people and the loveliest of pets. I have always had a great love for animals, ever since a child me and my brother made sure our house was filled with animals, you name the animal-we had it! Except for horses but to compensate for that I took many years of riding lessons.

Creating art has always been the biggest passion and drive in my life and that combined that with animals...well yes that is an unbeatable combination. I have previously worked with oil-, acrylics- and water-paints. Sketch pens, airbrush, burn tool, and ink art, but when our first dog Caesar came into our lives back in 2015 a new form of creating came into my mind and soul. An authentic way of creating forever memories of our furry best friends was born. Your pet such as mine has made an enduring impact on your life and in your heart that will never fade. Lets together capture that with wonderful photos that are authentic and beautiful because your best friend deserves nothing less.

The connection you have made with your pet defines you and you want to honor that for years to come and if this sounds like you, you have come to the right place!

My Boys Caesar & Julius old enough to walk themselves

-Lets together make magic by capturing your loved one for a forever memory

“Anna Fogenstad valokuvaa upeasti, omalla esteettisellä otteellaan. Olen kuvauttanut koiriani hänellä monesti, ja hämmästyn joka kerran uudelleen, kuinka hän tekee taikuuksiaan. Anna omaa uskomattoman taidon, luoda jokaisesta ottamastaan valokuvasta taidetta, joissa hetki ja tunne, valaistus, sekä kuvattavien parhaat puolet tulevat esiin täydellisesti. Hänellä on mahtavia visioita, jotka hän onnistuu linssin läpi luomaan todeksi. Kuvaustilanteet ovat rentoja ja lämminhenkisiä, ilman kiireen tuntua. Suosittel”